Events for Woodchuck Week 2025
Spirit Days and Tips
Friday, January 31 - Predication Day
This is the last day of school before the official Woodchuck Day holiday (also known as Groundhog Day)
We will do some school-wide surveys and graphs to build our math skills
DRESS UP THEME - Students and staff should dress in WINTER clothing/colors if they think the groundhog WILL see his shadow and predict more winter. If they think the groundhog (woodchuck) will NOT see his shadow (and therefore predict an early spring), they will wear SPRING colors!
Sunday, February 2 - Groundhog Day (Woodchuck Day)
"Groundhog" and "Woodchuck" are just two names for the same animal
Monday, February 3 - Lumberjack Day
There is a famous tongue twister about a Woodchuck that many American children memorize. Since a lumberjack (or woodsman) also chops ("chucks") wood, we will dress up like one on this day.
Tips: Lumberjacks are famous for flannel shirts (usually red), suspenders, heavy boots, and dense beards. Students might want to draw on a beard using makeup, or find a fake one at a party store.
Tuesday, February - Shadow Day
The idea is simple - teachers and staff, dress as students. Students, dress as teachers.
Note: The Spelling Bee is this evening
Wednesday, February 5 - Weyanoke Wednesday
Dress up in school colors (yellow and blue) or in spirit wear to celebrate our school
Thursday, February 6 - Animal Day
Dress up in honor of any animal. You can wear an animal print, a t-shirt with a picture of an animal, an animal costume, or bring an animal toy to school **No live animals are allowed in school!
Friday, February 7 - Weyanoke 75th Birthday Celebration
Wear something to celebrate the school's 75th birthday
From 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. we will host a reception for alumni and former staff. We will give tours, have a Weyanoke History Museum display, birthday cake, and more