What makes Weyanoke Elementary School special?
Weyanoke Elementary is a wonderful workplace!
Why Weyanoke is Special
- Our students speak over 25 home languages and come from a variety of cultures
- School Spirit abounds within our walls. We love to hold Spirit Weeks and wear our Weyanoke Spirit Wear every week!
- Every student at Weyanoke has full time access to a 1-to-1 laptop or tablet.
- We are the only elementary school in Fairfax County with its own holiday - Groundhog Day!
Weyanoke Staff Enjoys:
- A widely diverse staff and community
- Administrators help keep the atmosphere positive through staff celebrations and tokens of appreciation often.
- All staff use Responsive Classroom techniques to support learners
- Professionalism - Our administration respects the professional role of every employee, and values every contribution.
- Support Staff are truly involved and able to support student and teacher needs.
- Every teacher has their own classroom with extensive instructional resources including technology, books, manipulatives and more
- An involved and supportive administration that allows staff to take risks.
- Dedication to collaborative planning time for teams, ongoing professional development, and the latest educational research and learning theories in classrooms.

Student supports include
- Free breakfast and lunch for every student, every day
- Every student has an assigned laptop or tablet to use for learning.
- A highly dedicated and experienced Student Services team to meet student needs. Our staff includes counselors, a social worker, school psychologist, family liaison, speech language pathologist, and more
- A team of ESOL teachers to support newcomers and other English Language Learners
- A Special Education team that works inside grade level classrooms and beyond them to support the needs of all learners.
- A team of classroom monitors and substitutes who help cover classes when needed
- A resource team including a full time Instructional Coach, two math coaches, literacy coaches, Advanced Academics Resource Teacher, School Based Technology Specialist, and others
- After school opportunities like Robotics, sports, and academic programs
- Specialists including music, art, PE, library and STEAM
Weyanoke Elementary Facts for Future Staff:
Teacher work day 8:00 - 3:30
Administration - 1 Principal and 2 Assistant Principals
Grades - Preschool through Fifth Grade
Programs - AAP, STEAM, ESOL, SPED, involvement from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (they are our neighbors), School Age Child Care (SACC), active PTA, Student Council Association
Events Include - Family Learning Night, Family Science Night, Veteran's Day Concert, Heritage Festival, Woodchuck Week, Caregiver Coffees, PTA Movie Nights, monthly Family Market Nights, Field Day, Book Fairs, Talent Show, Spelling Bee. Science Fair